Past Projects
Browse some of our past projects…
Since 1998 we have been helping women, children, their families and individuals to strive for a brighter future. Our range of projects are created with a vision to bridge the gap between cultures and engage those harder to reach members of the community.

Families in Action (2009-2011)
Through this project we worked together to break stigma around learning disabilities or difficulties in our communities through awareness raising activities.

Niche Tobacco Project
In this project we supported women and young people in order to reduce the risk of harm of niche tobacco chewing. Shantona used outreach support to raise awareness about the health dangers involed in chewing tobacco and the increasing use of Shisha.

Parenting Apart Together (2009 - 2011)
This project provided support for separating and separated parents in the Gipton and Harehills areas of Leeds.

Families First Leeds (2013 - 2018)
This project aimed to put families first: to support families at the right time. It helped to join up a number of differe support services to work together to provide the best support for the families tailored to what they needed.

Genderwise Project (2006 - 2009)
Shantona worked with 8 other countries from Europe, looking at the role of men as changing agents, looking at their role in the three themes; socialisation and education; gender in the workplace and domestic responsibilities.