Say No to Islamophobia
Pledge to say No to Islamophobia today
Islamophobia is prevalent in our society, but it doesn’t have to be.
Every day people are experiencing Islamophobic hate crime and research shows that the majority of anti-muslim hate is directed at women. Over the past 6 months Shantona have been working to collect local women’s untold stories and make a difference. We have transformed those stories into a short book coming soon and the short film below, showcasing the voices of local muslim women.
However, we know this is not enough.
It is everybody’s responsibility to stand up and Say No to Islamophobia, not just muslims, and to show our society that these attitudes and behaviours are not acceptable. So we are asking you to call out Islamophobia every time you hear it, see it and sense it, whether that is at your workplace, in the supermarket, at the bus queue or even in our your own home.
We’re urging individuals and organisations to sign up to our pledge to show that Yorkshire says ‘No to Islamophobia.’
Click the pledge link below and sign up to join the growing number of individuals and organisations in Leeds to make a change.
Make the Pledge…click here
and join the list of organisations and individuals who have pledged so far:
- Women Friendly Leeds, Women’s Health Matters, Leeds Arts Health and Wellbeing Network, Leeds Women’s Aid, Service User Group Live Well Leeds, Live Well Leeds, Touchstone, Chapeltown Community Nursery, Feel Good Factor, Zest, Leeds Cookery School, Open Source Arts Leeds, Liz Thompson, Hannah Carey, Losa Marl, Carol Cronin, Esther Bissell, Derek Simpson and an additional 37 individuals who were the first to sign the pledge on the screening of our Islamophobia: Untold Stories film.